The NTU Communications Department would like to recognize the IT Department for hosting a live stream of the Presidential Debate on Tuesday. Navajo Broadcasting Services had canceled on the event last minute, so the IT Department scrambled get the debate broadcasting live.
A total of 1,685 people had viewed the debate online, with the top five states being: Arizona (808), New Mexico (446), California (171), Nevada (71), and Texas (38). In Arizona, our top hits came from Chinle, Fort Defiance, Window Rock, Phoenix and Mesa, while in New Mexico the most views came from Albuquerque, Gallup, Farmington, Crownpoint, and Grants.
The highest view time was between 6-6:15 pm and viewers primarily saw the debate via Windows Computer (26%), Android (34%) or iPhone (35%). Again, a big thank you to the IT Department for hosting the stream!
For more data about the online stream, contact Dody Begay at